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Preserving America's late twentieth century domestic architecture: a study of three neighborhoods in Alleghany County, Virginia

by Victoria Ashley Leonard

Institution: University of Georgia
Year: 2015
Keywords: Historic Preservation; National Register Eligibility; National Register Nomination for Modern Resources; Rosedale; Clearwater; and Clearview
Posted: 2/5/2017 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2105948
Full text PDF: http://purl.galileo.usg.edu/uga_etd/leonard_victoria_a_201505_mhp


A comparison of eight houses in three different neighborhoods in Alleghany County, covering the 1900-2000 time period, was conducted in order to understand their architectural style, construction methods and materials in order to evaluate whether single family detached residences built between 1980 and 2000 could be eligible for the National Register. The case studies of the twenty-four houses, through examination of evolving architectural styles, building materials, standard, and construction processes over time, shaped an idea of how these factors may impact National Register eligibility. The results of the case study neighborhood built between 1980-2000 were evaluated alongside National Register criteria of significance and integrity to determine that neighborhoods of the late twentieth century can be preserved through the National Register, but that the process may require some changes in the future. Advisors/Committee Members: Cari Goetcheus.

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