Abstracts Philosophy, Religion, and Theology

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Optimisation technologique d'un laboratoire sur puce intégrant des fonctions acoustiques hautes fréquences : premières applications à l'actionnement en canal microfluidique : Lab-on-chip technological optimization for integration of high frequency acousti

by Michael John Waldron

Institution: University College Cork
Year: 2016
Keywords: Elizabeth Bowen; Anglo-Irish literature; Futurism; Visuality; Visual literature; Modernist literature; Modernism; Verbal painting; Twentieth-century literature
Posted: 2/5/2017 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2124069
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10468/2623


This thesis is the first sustained assessment of Elizabeth Bowen’s writing from a visual perspective. By first compiling a visual biography of the author, I argue that Bowen’s responsiveness to art, her relationships with artists, and her knowledge of modern and traditional aesthetics are formative influences on her work. Investigating her assertion that she was a “visual writer,” my discussion develops into an examination of her technique of “verbal painting” through which she reinvents traditional visual modes as a personal modernist idiom. Close textual analysis of Bowen’s fictions forms the dominant methodology of this thesis and facilitates my delineation of her engagement with the Futurist and Surrealist aesthetics in addition to broader aspects of her visuality, including her treatment of the “vividly visual” dream-state to the distinct ocularcentricity of her writing. Ultimately, this thesis seeks to advance our knowledge of Bowen’s visual method and to offer a new approach in which to nuance our understanding of her modernism Accepted Version Not peer reviewed Advisors/Committee Members: Walshe, Eibhear, Irish Research Council.

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