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Effectiveness of a fall prevention program on wellbeing of community-dwelling elders

by Therese Henning

Institution: California State University Sacramento
Year: 2017
Keywords: Falls; Fall prevention; Elders; Senior citizens; Quality of life
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2154603
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10211.3/198488


Falls represent a growing public health concern and can lead to both physical and psychological consequences that challenge the quality of life of community-dwelling elders. The purpose of this retrospective study explores the potential health benefits of participation in a multifaceted fall prevention program. The study enrolled 91 community-dwelling older adults between the ages of 65 and 93 into a six-month program. Participation in the program was voluntary, 69% of participants were female participants and 31% male. Program components include: access to a six-week exercise-based class, a fall prevention workshop, and a home safety assessment. The study measures number of falls, hospitalizations, fall risk, and quality of life using evidence-based assessment tools over the duration of six-months. Significant study findings show an 86% enrollment in the six-week class, 76% improvement in balance and strength, 28% reduction in ???at risk??? participants, a 33% decrease in number of falls, 87% increase in perceived safety, 82% increase in confidence, and 79% perceived decrease in fall risk. Additionally, the study demonstrates a correlation between quality of life and fall risk. Findings show that among the participants, the 55% that lowered their overall risk of falling experienced an improvement in quality of life. In conclusion, the study demonstrates the potential health benefits of participation in a fall prevention program but also highlights the challenges of recruitment and the importance of understand falls self-efficacy and the stigma of falling prior to launching a program.Advisors/Committee Members: Osborne, Cheryl.

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