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The Internationalization Process of Firms from Francophone Africa: Leffet Mtropolitain

by Meouloud Tah Ahmed

Institution: Temple University
Year: 2017
Keywords: Business administration;
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2170375
Full text PDF: http://digital.library.temple.edu/u?/p245801coll10,453443


Business Administration/International Business Administration Emerging market firms (EMFs) have become a significant contemporary global economic force in terms of their international presence and influence. However, given the extreme poverty and lack of development in their home countries, many francophone firms in Africa seeking to internationalize lack resources as well as legitimacy in international markets. Compared to higher income emerging markets, francophone firms in Africa face significantly greater challenges in their internationalization efforts. For such firms, initial internationalization may occur through the former colonial center as a result of leffet mtropolitain (or the metropolitan effect). They may take advantage of their French relationship to overcome the disadvantages of being located in underdeveloped countries and markets. Once established in France, they are able to internationalize more broadly. The aim of this research was to investigate leffet mtropolitain and learn about the factors influencing the internationalization process of francophone firms in Africa. To meet these aims, data on internationalization processes of firms from francophone Africa were collected through case study analysis and semi-structured interviews with senior management of seven, francophone firms from Africa. The case study findings largely provide confirmation of a proposed model of leffet mtropolitain wherein certain firm resources and motivations moderate the internationalization of francophone firms in Africa to France first and then beyond. Temple University ThesesAdvisors/Committee Members: MUDAMBI, RAM;, HILL, THEODORE L, MUDAMBI, SUSAN M, BASU, SUDIPTA;.

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