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Optimal Design of Gradient Materials and Bi-Level Optimization of Topology Using Targets (BOTT)

by Anthony Garland

Institution: Clemson University
Year: 2017
Keywords: Mathematics; Mechanical engineering; Materials science
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2172872
Full text PDF: http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=10616438


The objective of this research is to understand the fundamental relationships necessary to develop a method to optimize both the topology and the internal gradient material distribution of a single object while meeting constraints and conflicting objectives. Functionally gradient material (FGM) objects possess continuous varying material properties throughout the object, and they allow an engineer to tailor individual regions of an object to have specific mechanical properties by locally modifying the internal material composition. A variety of techniques exists for topology optimization, and several methods exist for FGM optimization, but combining the two together is difficult. Understanding the relationship between topology and material gradient optimization enables the selection of an appropriate model and the development of algorithms, which allow engineers to design high-performance parts that better meet design objectives than optimized homogeneous material objects. For this research effort, topology optimization means finding the optimal connected structure with an optimal shape. FGM optimization means finding the optimal macroscopic material properties within an object. Tailoring the material constitutive matrix as a function of position results in gradient properties. Once, the target macroscopic properties are known, a mesostructure or a particular material nanostructure can be found which gives the target material properties at each macroscopic point. This research demonstrates that topology and gradient materials can both be optimized together for a single part. The algorithms use a discretized model of the domain and gradient based optimization algorithms. In addition, when considering two conflicting objectives the algorithms in this research generate clear features within a single part. This tailoring of material properties within different areas of a single part (automated design of features) using computational design tools is a novel benefit of gradient material designs. A macroscopic gradient can be achieved by varying the microstructure or the mesostructures of an object. The mesostructure interpretation allows for more design freedom since the mesostructures can be tuned to have non-isotropic material properties. A new algorithm called Bi-level Optimization of Topology using Targets (BOTT) seeks to find the best distribution of mesostructure designs throughout a single object in order to minimize an objective value. On the macro level, the BOTT algorithm optimizes the macro topology and gradient material properties within the object. The BOTT algorithm optimizes the material gradient by finding the best constitutive matrix at each location with the object. In order to enhance the likelihood that a mesostructure can be generated with the same equivalent constitutive matrix, the variability of the constitutive matrix is constrained to be an orthotropic material. The stiffness in the X and Y directions (of the base coordinate system) can

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