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Advanced microwave embedded sensors for infrastructure health monitoring

by Md Ashraful Islam

Institution: University of Western Sydney
Year: 2017
Keywords: nondestructive testing; structural health monitoring; concrete; microwave antennas; wireless sensor networks; Thesis (Ph.D. (Infra.Eng.)) Western Sydney University, 2017
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2176805
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/1959.7/uws:41356


Microwave sensor systems have been widely investigated for many applications due to their ability to provide non-destructive, noncontact, one-sided and wireless testing. Among these applications infrastructure health monitoring of bridges, building, and dams using microwave sensors, which are mounted on or embedded in composite structures of infrastructure has been attracting an increasing interest. One of the current needs of infrastructure health monitoring includes the detection and monitoring of disbonding and gaps in concrete-based structures, which are also required for simultaneous characterization of concrete. A recently proposed microwave sensor technique exploiting a relatively simple waveguide sensor embedded in a concrete-metal structure such as a concrete-filled steel tube exhibited great potential. However, it suffers from a few drawbacks that need to be solved. This thesis aims to develop and investigate advanced microwave embedded sensors to solve main problems in the current microwave sensory technique including characterization of concrete in concrete-based structures at different stage of its life, size of the interface under inspection, detection and monitoring of a small gap between concrete and dielectric material surfaces and sensitivity to gaps. To achieve this aim the following five research contributions have been made: The first contribution is the methodology for the determination of the complex dielectric permittivity of concrete using both measurement data and simulation results at different stages (fresh, early-aged and dry) of its life. Firstly, it is developed and tested for a single flanged open-ended waveguide sensor with a hardened concrete specimen, and then the methodology is modified for the developed sensors embedded in concrete-based composite structures with fresh, early-age and dry concrete. Modern computational tool CST Microwave Studio and a performance network analyser are used for simulation and measurement, respectively, throughout this research work. The second contribution is a dual waveguide sensor, which is proposed, designed and applied for the detection and monitoring of a small gap in concrete-metal composite structures. It consists of two waveguide sections and a metal plate and uses the transmission of electromagnetic waves along gap when it occurs between the metal plate and concrete surfaces. It provides more measurement data than the single waveguide sensor for characterising concrete-metal structures such as transmission properties of guided waves along the gap and reflection properties of the metalconcrete interface at two different places at the same stage of concrete. As a result, the proposed sensor increases the size of the interface under inspection and sensitivity to the gap using the magnitude of reflection coefficient and magnitude of transmission coefficient together and/or independently. The third contribution is the design and application of a dual waveguide sensor with rectangular dielectric insertions that is proposed and tested for theAdvisors/Committee Members: Western Sydney University. School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics (Host institution).

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