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Evaluatingthe implementation of the Child Support Grant in South Africa : thecase of KwaZulu-Natal Province

by RichardMduduzi Mthethwa

Institution: University of Pretoria
Year: 2017
Keywords: UCTD
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2187719
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/2263/62680


The right to social assistance is entrenched in theConstitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. In SouthAfrica, all citizens are entitled to access to social security,including appropriate social assistance, if they are unable tosupport themselves and their dependants. The Child Support Grant(CSG) is an important instrument of social protection in SouthAfrica, reaching over 12 million South African children each month.The study investigated the implementation of the CSG policy in theKwa-Zulu Natal Province. The research objective of this study wasto describe, analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of theimplementation of the CSG policy aimed at alleviating the effectsof poverty and improving the lives of citizens. Over the years,South Africa's social grant programme has evolved into one of themost comprehensive social protection systems in the developingworld. Extending coverage of the Child Support Grant's criteria foreligibility include an increase in the age limit from seven to 18years old, and adjustments to the income threshold to takeinflation into account and improve equity. The process of policyimplementation is unique to each situation. Hence, it is importantto identify factors which shape the directions that implementationmight take. It is important for the Department of SocialDevelopment (DSD) to address these factors. Thus this study focusedon evaluating the implementation of the CSG policy by the DSD andthe South African Social Security Agency (SASSA). The complexitiesof policy implementation can be seen as one of the reasons forineffective implementation of the CSG policy. The study used amixed method approach to gather and analyse data. A case studyresearch design was chosen, because the study intended tounderstand the situation in its natural setting. The methods ofdata collection included individual interviews with SASSAofficials, and both interview and focus group for beneficiaries anddocument analysis. The study used semistructured interviewquestions to interview public officials in the DSD who areresponsible for implementing the CSG policy and beneficiaries(caregivers) who are benefiting indirectly from the CSG policy. Theopen ended questions were categorised into themes. The main reasonwas to gather relevant information about the implementation of theCSG policy, and about the subjective experience of thatimplementation, both from people involved in the implementation ofthe CSG policy and from beneficiaries. The data collected throughthe interviews provided relevant policy information which waspreviously unknown, and was instrumental in this investigation. Thefindings revealed that the DSD and SASSA face many challenges inimplementing the CSG policy. Analysis of the findings revealed thatadministrative issues, implementation issues, sustainability issuesand corruption are some of the challenges encountered during theimplementation of the CSG policy. The study made severalrecommendations to improve the implementation of CSGpolicy.Advisors/Committee Members: Thornhill, Christopher (advisor).

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