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Strong Optical Field Ionization of Solids

by Taher Azza Ben

Institution: University of Ottawa
Year: 2018
Keywords: Semiconductor; Dielectric; Stark Shift; Dephasing
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2203521
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10393/37151


Population transfer from the valence to conduction band in the presence ofan intense laser field is explored theoretically in semiconductors and dielectrics.Experiments on intense laser driven dielectrics have revealed population transferto the conduction band that differs from that seen in semiconductors. Ourresearch explores two aspects of ionization in solids. (i) Current ionizationtheories neglect coupling between valence and conduction band and therewiththe dynamic Stark shift. Our single-particle analysis identifies this as a potentialreason for the different ionization behaviour. The dynamic Stark shift increasesthe bandgap with increasing laser intensities thus suppressing ionization to anextent where virtual population oscillation become dominant. The dynamicStark shift plays a role dominantly in dielectrics which due to the large bandgapcan be exposed to significantly higher laser intensities. (ii) In the presenceof laser dressed virtual population of the conduction band, elastic collisionspotentially transmute virtual into real population resulting in ionization. Thisprocess is explored in context of relaxation time approximation.

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