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The Effects of Trade Wind Inversion Variability on High Elevation Climates in Hawai`i

by Ryan Longman

Institution: University of Hawaii Manoa
Year: 2017
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2210594
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10125/50995


Ph.D. University of Hawaii at Manoa 2015. The primary objective of this dissertation is to characterize the spatial and temporal variability of climate at high elevation in Hawaii and to identify the proximal causes of observed change. First, up to 25 years (1988-2013) of climate data obtained from 11 weather stations located within the HaleNet climate network on Maui, Hawaii, were used to characterize the climate along a 2030-m leeward and 810-m windward elevation transect. Ten climate variables were assessed for trends occurring over the period of record at each station for the 6-month dry (May-October) and wet (November-April) seasons. In general a drying trend was identified along both leeward and windward transects during the dry season. At the five highest elevation sites (2120 to 2990 m), significant increases in solar radiation (2 to 4% decade-1), vapor pressure deficit (9 to 10% decade-1), potential evapotranspiration (3 to 7% decade-1), and the number of zero rainfall days (4 to 5% decade-1), and significant decreases in relative humidity (-3 to 5% decade-1), and rainfall (-3 to -8% decade-1) were identified at two or more of these sites over the period of record. Increases in Trade Wind Inversion (TWI) frequency of occurrence and or decreases in TWI base height were identified as potential agents driving these changes. A second part of this research is to test this hypothesis. To accomplish this, forty years (1973-2013) of radiosonde data obtained from the atmospheric sounding stations located at Hilo and Lhue were used to calculate TWI frequency, base height and strength variability over time. Results indicate a 16% average increase in TWI frequency of occurrence beginning in the early 1990s. TWI frequency was significantly correlated with the vertical wind velocity variable omega obtained from 4 reanalysis data sets, suggesting that observed increases in TWI frequency are a result of increased atmospheric subsidence over the Hawaii region. Increased TWI frequency has resulted in 16 and 40% average decreases in high elevation rainfall for the dry and wet seasons, respectively. The upward shift in TWI frequency is not explained by phase changes in the El Nio Southern Oscillation (ENSO) or the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). Over shorter time periods, however, such as the post-TWI shift period (1991-2013), both ENSO and PDO indices were found to be significantly correlated with TWI frequency, but the sign of the relationship is opposite for the two season. The final component of this research is to identify the role that ENSO and PDO have on TWI frequency of occurrence on ~20 year time scales and to quantify the subsequent effects that TWI variability has on climate variables at mid and high elevations in Hawaii. Results show that, during the dry season, mean TWI frequency is higher during the cool phases of ENSO and PDO relative to the warm phases and an opposite relationship is observed in the wet season. Cool phase ENSO and PDO conditions that have dominated over the most recent

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