AbstractsComputer Science

Propojení sítí IEEE 802.15.4 a Ethernet

by Karel Pavlata

Institution: Brno University of Technology
Year: 0
Keywords: WSN; Gateway; Portux920T; PXB; ZigBit; Linux; IEEE802.15.4; Ethernet; ReST; XMPP; WSN; Gateway; Portux920T; PXB; ZigBit; Linux; IEEE802.15.4; Ethernet; ReST; XMPP
Record ID: 1097758
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/11012/18435


Táto práca sa venuje probému prepojovania rôznych typov sietí, konkrétne sietí typu IEEE 802.15.4 a Ethernetu. Motivácia vychádza zo stále sa rozširujúceho využitia bezdrátových senzorických sietí, potreby zberu dát z nich a ich integrácie. To vyžaduje aby sieť obsahovala prvky schopné preniesť dáta z bezdrátovej siete do okolitého sveta a prípadne poskytnúť konfiguračné a riadiace informácie do vnútra siete. Z hľadiska protokolov a programového vybavenia sa prepojenie uskutočňuje na rôznej úrovni, od sieťovej až po aplikačnú vrstvu komunikačného modelu ISO/OSI, s podporou hardvéru na fyzickej a linkovej vrstve.; This work is devoted to the problem of interconnection of different network types, specifically IEEE 802.15.4 and Ethernet networks. Motivation for implementing such an interconnection arises from increased use of WSNs (Wireless Sensor Networks) penetrating many of today's segments of human activity. Deployment of WSNs stems out of the need of controlling and/or monitoring of environment this network is attached to. This usually implies the existence of some kind of Gateway nodes capable of relaying of measured data from inside of the WSN to the outside world and/or providing configuration information and control commands to the WSN. A Gateway usually accomplishes this by interconnecting the WSN with other types of networks acting as a border element. There are different types of Gateways with different capabilities regarding to the network operation, all dependent on a particular network in use. On the software part the interconnection may be done from Network up to Application layer of the ISO/OSI model. Hardware interfaces Physical and Data-Link layers and of course has to be capable of running interfacing software (which may be rather complex). So there is always balance between the system complexity and sufficient capabilities.