AbstractsBusiness Management & Administration

Digital Music Distribution Channels for Independent Bands

by Jani Sahlman

Institution: Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu
Year: 2014
Record ID: 1131170
Full text PDF: http://www.theseus.fi/handle/10024/70932


The main purpose of this thesis is to map different available digital distribution channels for independent bands and also to scrutinize how to utilize them effectively. The sub-objective is to interview music professionals. The thesis consists of introduction, theoretical framework, different available digital music distribution channels, research methodology, the collection and analysis of empirical data, empirical results and conclusions. The theoretical framework discusses the different available digital music distribution channels for independent bands and it also opens up different business models for them. This thesis was initiated as a result of the author’s long time music interest and being part in an independent band. The empirical data was collected by arranging theme interviews with carefully selected long time music professionals. Four music professionals were interviewed. These recorded interviews where then transcribed and after that the answers were categorized under themes. Based on the findings, digital distribution channels for independent bands were introduced. As a result, it can be said that these different digital distribution channels for independent bands can be utilized as a promotional tool. The high importance of marketing was also related to the easy access and low cost structure of these distribution channels, which has led into an oversupply situation in these market areas. As it can be seen from the digital distribution channels for independent bands, social media is a crucial factor in distributing digital music. Succeeding at gaining media coverage of oneself in social media might be the key factor for the overall success of independent bands. Being able to differentiate in the oversupply situation of the markets is especially important and this can also be seen from the digital distribution channels for independent bands. The author has gained many various important new aspects through the writing process of this thesis in being part of an independent band and distributing its digital music. The author also hopes that the results from the interviews with music professionals would also give good hints and advice for other independent band members.; Digitaaliset musiikin jakelukanavat independent-yhtyeille Opinnäytetyön tutkimusongelmana on kuvata erilaiset digitaaliset musiikin jakelukanavat independent-yhtyeille sekä selvittää, miten näitä jakelukanavia voidaan hyödyntää tehokkaasti. Tavoitteena on löytää ajankohtaiset digitaaliset jakelukanavat, jotka ovat independent-yhtyeiden saatavilla. Lisäksi tavoitteena on haastatella musiikin ammattilaisia. Opinnäytetyön rakenne koostuu johdannosta, teoreettisesta viitekehyksestä, erilaisten saatavilla olevien digitaalisen musiikin jakelukanavista, tutkimusmenetelmistä, tutkimustulosten analysoinnista ja työstämisestä, tutkimustuloksista sekä johtopäätöksistä. Teoreettinen keskustelu keskittyy independent-yhtyeiden saatavilla olevien erilaisten digitaalisten musiikin jakelukanavien kuvaamisesta ja lisäksi käsitellään…