AbstractsBusiness Management & Administration

Management groups : the relation between the leader's personality traits and group processes

by Runa Rekstad

Institution: University of Oslo
Year: 1000
Keywords: VDP::260
Record ID: 1280655
Full text PDF: https://www.duo.uio.no/handle/10852/18255


Abstract Previous research has indicated a relationship between chief executive officer personality and top management group dynamics (Peterson, Smith, Martorana & Owens, 2003), although subsequent re-analysis of the study has revealed inconclusive results (Hollenbeck, DeRue & Mannor, 2006). This article presents a contribution to this research area. The present study included 47 Norwegian management groups and group leaders, and investigated the relationship between the group leader’s personality traits and group processes. The five-factor model was used as framework for organizing personality, and data was collected by use of the Big Five Inventory. The group processes studied were (1) Pre-meeting preparation, (2) Quality of work processes, (3) Focused discussion, (4) Decision commitment, (5) Team orientation, (6) Trust and support, (7) Relationship conflicts, and (8) Reflexivity. These were measured by use of a Management Group Profile. 11 specific hypotheses on the relationship between each of the Big Five personality traits and management group processes were generated. Bivariate correlation analysis revealed negligible correlations, ranging from r = .02 to r = .13. Given the present data, there is little support to the model suggesting a link between group leader personality traits and management group processes. The results are discussed in terms of the impact of the predictive value of personality on behaviour, situational and cultural factors, and the influences of other group members, in addition to considering methodological aspects.