AbstractsComputer Science


Microsoft's Kinect is a well researched and established optical 3D sensor in a wide range of HCI\footnote{Human - Computer Interface} applications. However, to fully utilize modern HCI environments , the requirement for accuracy and range are increasing. While Kinect's current technology delivers sufficient range, it does not deliver adequate accuracy.\\ Leap Motion is a new consumer grade optical 3D sensor with declared sub-milimeter accuracy within a small range. Can Leap Motion compliment Kinect's shortcomings in a HCI environment?\\ This thesis aims to answer that question in one of the first studies involving Leap Motion. For an appropriate evaluation of the two sensors, an experiment based on Fitts' law was conducted resulting in an average response time of 1,9 sek for Leap Motion and 2,5sek for Kinect. A review of available software for the two sensors are presented resulting in the following software choice; Delicode's NImate for Kinect and the design and implementation of a new software called \textit{ALLin} for Leap Motion. Lastly, Ableton Live 9 is controlled by the proposed sensor solution and shows that Leap Motion indeed fills the shortcomings of Kinect in a HCI environment.