

Many methods have been described for the determination of the degree of hydrolysis of salts. The following may be given as examples of the more important of these:- (I) Measurement of the rate of inversion of sugar. (II) Measurement of the rate of Saponification of Ethyl, or Methyl Acetate (III) Determination of Electrical Conductivity (IV) Electrometric determination of Hydrogen ion concentration by Hydrogen Electrode (V) Determination of Freezing Point (VI) Distillation of Solutions (VII) Dilatometric considerations (VIII) Solubility of Carbonates in water in atmosphere of Carbon Dioxide (IX) Partition of base between two immiscible solvents (X) Measurement of Heats of Neutralisation (XI) Measurement of the Motion Ions (XII) Decomposition of diazoacetic aster by hydrogen ions.