AbstractsEarth & Environmental Science

Fluorspar mining in Kentucky

by Walter Coffran Richards

Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology
Year: 1911
Record ID: 1499958
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10355/17858


"The mining of fluorite, or fluorspar in Western Kentucky is one of the chief mineral industries of that State. As the number of mines and prospects is very great, a thorough treatise on the geology, mines, and methods of this district would make a large volume. this thesis will deal, however, with only a small part of the district, in which the mine operated by the author is located. Before going into detail, it might be well to mention a few points relative to the fluorspar industry in general. To the average person, fluorspar seems to be unknown. In fact, the knowledge of this mineral is practically limited to members of the mining profession, and those actively engaged in the making of iron and steel and a few other manufactured products" – Introduction, leaf 1.