
Scottish industrial labourer during the Age of Reform 1792-1832.

by Waclaw. S. Straka

Institution: McGill University
Department: Department of History.
Degree: PhD
Year: 1963
Keywords: History.
Record ID: 1545081
Full text PDF: http://digitool.library.mcgill.ca/thesisfile115274.pdf


The main features of Scottish history during the eighteenth century consist of the economic revival followed by social changes which in turn precipitated the political awakening of the mass of the people. Prior to the Union and even well into the eighteenth century Scotland remained very poor. This state of poverty to a greater or lesser degree was common to all. If the farmer, the artisan, cottager and labourer suffered poverty the gentry experienced acute and chronic lack of money. In this predominantly agricultural country both the lowly and the high-born concentrated most of their energies to eke out from the land as best an existence as possible.