AbstractsBiology & Animal Science

A morphological study of gonatid squids found off the Oregon coast

by Larry Thomas Spencer

Institution: Oregon State University
Department: Zoology
Degree: MA
Year: 1965
Keywords: Squids
Record ID: 1585542
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/1957/48088


Gonatus fabricii (Lichtenstein, 1818), G. magister Berry, 1913, G. anonychus Pearcy and Voss, 1963, and Gonatopsis borealis Sasaki, 1923 (Gonatidae) are squid forming a major portion of the cephalopod fauna found off the Oregon coast. A study was undertaken to determine the morphological differences among the four species of squid. The adult squid of all four species were studied, and also the Iarval stages of Gonatus fabricii, G. magister, and Gonatopsis borealis were observed. The growth patterns of Gonatus fabricii and Gonatopsis borealis were determined for the first time, and an attempt was made to determine reasons for the differences in the growth patterns. The development of the structure of the tentacle club of G. fabricii was recorded. Wide variations were noted in the arma-ature of the adult tentacle club, but none were similar to that described by Young.