
Purse seine and eurydice : a history of leprosy and coercion in Hawaiʻi

by Nancy Lynn Sack

Institution: University of Hawaii – Manoa
Year: 2016
Keywords: Mayan; ancient monuments; archaeology; ancient architecture
Posted: 02/05/2017
Record ID: 2120745
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10125/101274


M.A. University of Hawaii at Manoa 2012. The task of archaeologists is to infer the cultural processes at work in the (often distant) past, based on an examination of the artifactual, biological, and environmental evidence of human civilizations that remains today. Ancient monuments, like other cultural constructions, can reveal clues about the societies that created them, provided researchers ask suitable questions and devise appropriate strategies for discovering the answers. Initial archaeological surveys of monumental buildings are typically designed to answer 'what' types of questions: investigators describe, measure, and map the structures they uncover. The next generation of research generally deals with 'how' questions, for example, how were monuments built? How long did it take to construct them? How much labor was required? How did the buildings function? Eventually, archaeologists begin to explore the more difficult 'why' questions. Why did ancient societies begin to construct monuments? Why did monumental construction persist, in some cases for hundreds of years? Finally, why did monument building decline and disappear?