
The effect of correct and incorrect video models on the acquisition of skills taught in behavioral parent training

by Elizabeth A Herrera

Institution: University of the Pacific
Year: 2016
Keywords: Behavioral psychology
Posted: 02/05/2017
Record ID: 2135234
Full text PDF: http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=1606616


Modeling, a process by which a learned behavior is observed and imitated, has been demonstrated to be effective in the acquisition of skills. Several factors appear to enhance or detract from the effect a model has on subsequent observer behavior and contradictory findings have been reported based on the type of model used. A less explored factor is the impact of correct and incorrect models as often employed in parent training packages when teaching skills that are to be acquired by the observer. To further investigate, the current study compared the effectiveness of correct and incorrect video models using an empirically supported treatment for child behavior problems: The Incredible Years. Using a fairly minimal, and mostly remote intervention 5 out of 6 participants improved from baseline sessions. Several areas of future research are presented for modeling and parent training to assess effectiveness of model types and treatment programs used.