Library Education

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Theoretical and Practical Approaches to Non-Formal Education

Interdisciplinary Examinations into Various Instructional Models

by Mara, Daniel and Margareta M. Thomson

  Paperback       e-Book PDF
Year: 2021
Volume: 250 pages
ISBN-10: 1599426129
ISBN-13: 9781599426129
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In this collection of work, the contributing authors tackle the topic of non-formal education from a variety of disciplines, such as computer science, psychology, education, science education, literacy, music, art, and social studies by sharing original perspectives, and proposing novel educational approaches. The book chapters present insights into designing and carrying out non-formal education activities, operational management strategies related to non-formal education, activating and creating the well-being of participants in non-formal education activities, and implementing active learning.

The current volume appeals to a wide audience, including teachers, parents, students, and education specialists, as well as researchers and community members working with youth and children. Moreover, this volume appeals to an international audience, as the contributing authors are from various countries, including the USA, Indonesia, Italy, Romania, and Spain. The interdisciplinary and global perspective presented in the current volume makes it not only valuable for the educational field, but unique, compared to similar publications in the field.

About The Author

Dr. Daniel Mara is a Professor in the Department of Teacher Training within the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania. Dr. Mara holds a PhD in Psychology, and his research focuses on inclusive education, intercultural education and teacher training.

Dr. Margareta M. Thomson is a Professor of Educational Psychology in the Teacher Education and Learning Sciences department at North Carolina State University, USA. Dr. Thomson holds a PhD in Educational Psychology and Learning Sciences, and her research focuses on teacher and student motivation, STEM learning and professional development. Recipient of prestigious research awards, Dr. Thomson presented at numerous conferences and published in top tier journals in her field.

Paperback Edition


250 pages

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