Paperback Edition
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How do I open and print my eBook?The International Distribution Agreement
A Practical Approach to Transnational Contracting across the European Union, the United States and Latin America (2nd edition)
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Year: | 2020 |
Volume: | 356 pages |
ISBN-10: | 1627343288 |
ISBN-13: | 9781627343282 |
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With the ever-increasing interconnection between markets, businesses and individuals from all over the globe, professionals are asked to develop a greater interest in the international implications of contracts. This book focuses attention on the distribution agreement, one of the most widely used contractual schemes in the practice of international exchanges, providing a analysis and information on the issues that should be considered by the practitioner when drafting, interpreting or executing an international agreement. Issues relating to the choice of the governing law, the competent court, the validity or invalidity of some clauses, the impact that the language of the contract may have, as well as the different meaning and scope of application of some principles, such as good faith and le estoppel, are analyzed from a transnational perspective, highlighting how the same issue can be regulated differently depending on the regulatory framework that governs it. In this second edition, the distribution relationship has been evaluated mainly across the legal systems of the European Union, the United States and Latin America, while not missing references to other regulatory frameworks, which are highlighted in correspondence with particular issues.
Marco Mastracci is CEO and founding partner of the International Law Firm MPMLEGAL s.t.a.p.a.. Adjunct Professor of Law at Washington University in St. Louis. Visiting Professor at L'Avana University on "International Law". Enrolled at Rome Bar Association, New York Bar Association and American Bar Association. Lawyer before the Italian Supreme Court and Foreign Legal Consultant State of New York. Winner of Il SOLE24ORE -STATISTA Award "The Best Law Firm of the Year 2020." He has published many articles and books in relation to International Law.
356 pages
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