AbstractsComputer Science

Digital Analysis of the Delay-Lock Discriminator.

by Charles S. Mulloy

Institution: Naval Postgraduate School
Department: Electronics
Year: 1962
Record ID: 1508108
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10945/12006


The Delay Discriminator, an Optimum Tracking Device, is under current study as a new space tracking system. The transient analysis of this system requires the solution to a non-linear second-order differential equation. The Delay-Lock principle is first explained and the implimentation of this principle is described. Analysis of the system is discussed and a method of digital phase-plane solution is shown. Computer Flow Diagrams and Fortran Source Programs are fully described. With out the aid of a high speed digital computer, the analysis of this system would be difficult, tedious, and inaccurate.