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Internationalization Process and strategies of a startup service company, A case study of HeartMath Scandinavia AB

by Ikechukwu Okonkwo

Institution: Mälarden University
Year: 2009
Keywords: Business; Internationalization; strategy; Social Sciences; Samhällsvetenskap; SOCIAL SCIENCES; Social sciences; SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP; Socialvetenskap; samhälle/juridik; Social and Behavioural Science, Law
Record ID: 1356430
Full text PDF: http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-6811


<strong>Abstract</strong> <strong>Date: </strong> September, 2009 <strong>Title: </strong>Internationalization Process and Strategies of a Start-up Service Company, a case study of HeartMath Scandinavia AB <strong>Course: </strong>Business Administration <strong>Program: </strong>Master Thesis EFO704 <strong>Authors:</strong> Francis Oladele Oluduro, Ikechukwu Ifediora Okonkwo <strong>Supervisor: </strong>Nyström Sven-Åke<strong></strong> <strong>Problem: </strong>What is HeartMath AB’s strategy in their internationalization process? <strong>Purpose: </strong>The aim of this thesis is to investigate the real life processes and strategies that companies adopt in going international and compare it to generic and taught internationalization models and theories. <strong>Method: </strong>Information was gathered from interviews, books and online data bases. <strong>Conclusions: </strong>From the analysis it was concluded that new business startups use the generic business models in the process of going international. In most instances they do this unknowingly. They combine two or more models in different ways to achieve their aim of going international. There were also instances when it is necessary for firms to combine two conflicting ideas to achieve what they want to achieve. <strong>Keywords: </strong>Internationalization, Uppsala Model, Born global/INV, Entry Mode, Strategy, isomorphism.

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