Academic Dissertations in the News

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PhD student solves a mysterious ancient Sanskrit text algorithm after 2,500 years

16 January 2024

A Cambridge Ph.D. student has solved a grammatical problem that has befuddled Sanskrit scholars since the 5th century BC.

Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī is an important work for understanding classical Sanskrit. But for centuries, a grammatical problem surrounding a meta-rule has risked readers misinterpreting the text. Rishi Rajpopat, a Cambridge Ph.D. student, has solved the grammatical problem by rediscovering Pāṇini's original intention.

Read article at BIG THINK

7 Best Dissertation Writing Services: Top Thesis Writing Services in USA

24 September 2023

If you’re looking to navigate your graduate journey in the angst of writing a dissertation, professional dissertation writing services may be of help.

Hello readers, Nicole Hardy here, a professional academic writer. Diving into the world of academia, even seasoned writers often find dissertations daunting. Their intricate nature and demand for original research can easily overwhelm them. If, like many, you’re looking to navigate your graduate journey sans the angst of crafting a dissertation, professional dissertation writing services may be your lifeline. These platforms rally a cadre of highly qualified writers, well-versed across diverse fields. They’re here to unburden you. Simply pass on your brief and watch as they embark on original research, draft, edit, and finesse your dissertation to perfection.

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11 September 2023

A private-equity acquisition will saddle Simon & Schuster with $1 billion in debt. What could go wrong?

arlier this year, the Department of Justice blocked Penguin Random House, owned by the German media giant Bertelsmann, from acquiring Simon & Schuster. The big five publishers—HarperCollins, Penguin Random House, Hachette, Macmillan, and Simon & Schuster—already control about 80 percent of the book market. The literary class was relieved.

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PhD Student discovers previously unknown ancient Egyptian cemetery

5 July 2023

Since 2022, the egyptologist, archeologist, and PhD candidate has been working with Princeton University and the Ministry of Antiques in Egypt on an excavation in Abydos. Here, she along with her team made the discovery of a previously unknown cemetery that could fundamentally change our understanding of the time period from which it’s from.

We had no idea that these burials were occurring at this site.” Smith-Sangster said. “That’s a really significant data point…for as much as we know, we still know very little.

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PhD student solves a mysterious ancient Sanskrit text algorithm after 2,500 years

15 February 2023

A Cambridge Ph.D. student has solved a grammatical problem that has befuddled Sanskrit scholars since the 5th century BC.

Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī is an important work for understanding classical Sanskrit. But for centuries, a grammatical problem surrounding a meta-rule has risked readers misinterpreting the text. R's original intention. By solving this grammatical problem, Rajpopat ishi Rajpopat, a Cambridge Ph.D. student, has solved the grammatical problem by rediscovering Pāṇinihas given modern scholars a fresh means to interpret and understand this wealth of human achievement.

Russian Student Allowed to Keep Diploma for ChatGPT-Written Thesis

15 February 2023

A Russian student who sparked controversy for defending his thesis written by the fast-growing artificial intelligence tool ChatGPT will be allowed to keep his diploma.

Alexander Zhadan said Wednesday he had successfully used the U.S. company OpenAI’s ChatGPT chatbot to write his work and receive a passing grade.

Read more at The Moscow Times

Advice for Completing a Thesis or Dissertation

1 January 2022

Research on graduate students' experiences with writing a thesis or dissertation suggests many students aren’t always sure what to expect when they begin the process. Dr. Ken Oldfield, professor emeritus at the University of Illinois, Springfield, offers these strategies along with some tips on how to manage the process.

* Start early.
* Choose your adviser wisely.
* Choose your supervisory committee wisely.
* Choose your topic…wisely.
* Take notes.
* Keep copies of everything.
* Ask for help.
* Just do it.

Read article at University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Top DeSantis official embraced critical race theory in dissertation

22 December 2021

Gov. Ron DeSantis has called critical race theory a “Marxist” ideology that has no place in public schools. But a top official in his administration had previously taken a very different stance.

Eric Hall, who DeSantis recently appointed to head Florida’s Department of Juvenile Justice, used critical race theory as the bedrock of his 2014 dissertation examining alternative schools.

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Naomi Wolf wanted extra year-long embargo on controversial thesis

3 July 2021

By Jack Grove for Times Higher Education.


Oxford rejected her request to delay release of error-strewn dissertation.

Naomi Wolf attempted to block the publication of her error-strewn doctoral thesis for a further year after submitting it to the University of Oxford’s digital archive more than five years late.
According to internal emails seen by Times Higher Education, the American feminist requested an additional extension to embargo her D.Phil. dissertation after depositing it, alongside a lengthy corrections sheet, with Oxford’s research archive at the end of December 2020.

Read more at Inside Higher Education


The Upside of Defending Online

2 June 2021

Active chat room compliments. Family and friends from around the world "in the room." The ability to record the session. This year's doctoral students find the positives in defending dissertations on Zoom.

By Gianna Cacciatore.

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