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International law in the post-1994 South African constitutions : terminology and application

by Andries Albertus Lamprecht

Institution: University of South Africa
Year: 2009
Keywords: International Jaw (status of in the RSA); International obligations (constitutional recognition of); International human rights law; Treaty law; Customary international law; Humanitarian law (ius in bello); Law of warfare (ius ad bellum); Constituti
Record ID: 1435891
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10500/832


An important change wrought by the post-1994 South African Constitutions is the attempt to have South Africa recognised as a democratic and sovereign state in the "family of nations." The new Constitutions make extensive reference to the state's international obligations and represent an endeavour to [re]define the status of international law vis-a-vis national law. Some provisions utilise international law in the interpretation and formulation of national jurisprudence and represent an [albeit not totally successful] endeavour to attain greater harmonisation between international and national law. This is an attempt to systematize the various criticisms levelled against these provisions to date, and to highlight certain interpretational difficulties and problems that present themselves in the process. The distinction between the various terminologies and branches of international law is also taken to task. Lastly, this paper attempts to determine the extent to which international law is applied at national level under the post-1994 constitutions.

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