Abstracts Biological Sciences

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Perceptions of intergroup norms, levels of ingroup identity, and the extended contact effect

by Joseph E. Comeau

Institution: Simon Fraser University
Year: 2007
Record ID: 1798176
Full text PDF: http://summit.sfu.ca/item/8414


This survey study provides general support for the positive effect of extended contact on interethnic attitudes. However, the current research also expands our understanding of the effect in a number of ways. First, by including four dependent variables that address positive and negative affects, behavioural intentions, and beliefs and ideology regarding target outgroups it provides a broader test than is common in the literature. Second, it uses an ethnically diverse sample and multiple target outgroups. Extended contact was found to have positive effects across the DVs in majority/minority, minority/majority, and minority/minority relations. Third, the study tested and found significant but partial mediation of the extended contact/prejudice relationship by perceptions of ingroup norms. Finally, it was found that the level of identification with one’s ethnic group moderates the mediational role of perceptions of ingroup norms. For those with low levels of ingroup identification, mediation by norms did not occur.

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