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Landslide corridor hazards - Web tool

by Ravi Thakkar

Institution: California State University – Sacramento
Department: Computer Science
Year: 2010
Keywords: Google maps API; Caltrans; Web application; MySQL database
Record ID: 1867346
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10211.9/82


Hundreds of landslides are mobilized along highway corridors that can affect public safety as well as the trip quality, reliability and maintenance cost of the transportation network. Caltrans GeoResearch Group pioneered the project to identify the landslides along California State Highways. 187 out of 1200 miles of identified landslide-prone corridors were mapped between 1999 and 2006 by Caltrans GeoResearch Group with the help of California Geological Survey. These landslides were captured in ESRI Shape file that can be viewed in ArcMap Viewer or other common GIS Software. The task is to convert 3 out of 7 shape file generated from prior study into a web-base tool using Google Maps. This web-based system will map all 1200 miles of Landslide prone State wide Highways with detailed information of subset of 187 miles of these corridors. Landslides will be displayed in the map as polygons in different colors based on their type and activity so that they can be easily identified. Information about each landslide including links to relevant reports will be presented to the user through Google Maps Info-Window. The web-based system will also have the capability to generate reports summarizing landslide information in tables and map, based on different user defined criteria. The system will also have a photo placemark capability, allowing a user to view photo image files relevant to the particular landslide. This system will be implemented in PHP, JavaScript and Google Maps API. The data will be maintained on a My Sql database. This system will be integrated in Caltrans Geotech web-based system.

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