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The effects of reciprocal teaching on the science literacy of intermediate elementary students in inclusive science classes

by Kim E. DiLorenzo

Institution: Florida Atlantic University
Year: 2010
Keywords: Science; Thought and thinking; Language arts (Elementary); Inquiry-based learning.; Cognitive learning.; Academic achievement.; Interdisciplinary approach in education.
Record ID: 1871602
Full text PDF: http://digitool.fcla.edu:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=2975244


Intermediate elementary students (grades 4 and 5) frequently struggle to become scientifically literate in their general education classrooms. Scientific literacy includes knowing how to access and use information found in science texts. Unfortunately, many students struggle to read and understand science texts (Michalsky, Mevarech, & Haibi, 2009, p. 363). Fortunately, elementary students have shown improvement in reading comprehension when explicitly instructed in cognitive and metacognitive strategies to comprehend expository text in settings that support collaboration and flexible application of comprehension strategies, and have meaningful opportunities for reading and writing (Mastropieri & Scruggs, 2004; Palincsar & Klenk, 1992). A method that includes these components is reciprocal teaching (RT; National Reading Panel, 2000). RT has been used during content area instruction to increase reading comprehension skills of intermediate elementary students without disabilities in general education classrooms (King & Johnson, 1999; Lederer, 2000; Lubliner, 2004). These reading comprehension gains have been maintained by students on follow-up tests after the RT intervention has been withdrawn (Palincsar & Brown, 1984; Westera & Moore, 1995). This study examined the effects of RT on the science literacy of intermediate elementary students (grades 4-5) participating in inclusive science classes. Students with learning disabilities (SWLD), students at-risk (AR), and students in general education (GE) participated in this study. General education teachers used RT with science texts to improve science literacy. Pre/post science quizzes were used to assess the effects of the RT intervention, and post/follow-up tests assessed potential maintenance of the RT. s Analyses of the data showed that the RT intervention resulted in improved science comprehension overall, and for each student group. In addition, the results showed that the gains were maintained for the individual student grouping after the RT intervention was removed, although these gains were not found overall.The study demonstrated that the use of RT during science instruction in inclusive, intermediate elementary classes assisted students who are AR, SWLD, and students in GE to attain science knowledge using standard science texts and materials. These results extend the experimental literature on science literacy and reciprocal teaching, particularly among intermediate elementary students. esu esu Intermediate elementary students (grades 4 and 5) frequently struggle to become scientifically literate in their general education classrooms. Scientific literacy includes knowing how to access and use information found in science texts. Unfortunately, many students struggle to read and understand science texts (Michalsky, Mevarech, & Haibi, 2009, p. 363). Fortunately, elementary students have shown improvement in reading comprehension when explicitly instructed in cognitive and metacognitive strategies to comprehend expository text in settings that…

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