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An Evaluation of a Sample Population???s Knowledge of Melanoma and Melanoma Genetics in Hawaii

by Sterling Yee

Institution: Brandeis University
Year: 2015
Keywords: Hawaii; Melanoma; Knowledge; Behavior; Genetics
Record ID: 2062907
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10192/30581


Since the discovery of the human genome, cancer has been a prominent subject in the genetics field. Skin cancer is the most common type of human cancer with reportedly increasing high rates (Narayanan, Saladi, & Fox, 2010; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). These high rates may suggest many factors at play including genetic influences and population knowledge gaps when it comes to preventative behaviors, general skin cancer topics, and skin cancer genetics. Hawaii residents are an ideal population to study population knowledge, due to the state???s year-round sun exposure, and the recognized increasing incidence of skin cancer among Hawaii residents (Chuang, Reizner, Elpern, Stone, & Farmer, 1995). The study used a cross-sectional survey-based design and garnered a response rate of participants. Bivariate analysis was used to answer the study questions. The results, based on reported behaviors and lack of skin cancer knowledge, confirmed that respondents are at risk for developing cancer such as melanoma. This suggests areas in which skin cancer knowledge and subsequent behaviors could be improved thereby helping to reduce melanoma risk for Hawaii???s community.

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