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The Psychosocial Effects of Dysphagia

by Allison Dawn Lotter

Institution: Cleveland State University
Year: 2015
Keywords: Speech Therapy
Posted: 2/5/2017 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2072056
Full text PDF: http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=csu1438266322


The purpose of this study is to determine the psychosocial effects of dysphagia in adults with a non-terminal, non-progressive medical condition. Additionally, this study aims to provide potential differences in the psychosocial effects of dysphagia given gender and age range. This information is crucial for speech-language pathologists (SLPs) to better understand the psychosocial consequences of dysphagia and provide a more comprehensive and appropriate approach to therapy. This study is a pseudo-qualitative design that includes adults, age 20-90 years old, diagnosed with dysphagia secondary to a non-progressive, non-terminal medical condition. Descriptive statistics revealed that there are psychosocial effects of dysphagia, which differ in gender and age range. The results serve to provide some insight into the devastating impact of dysphagia on a person's life and overall quality of life. It is of vital importance that SLPs be aware of the impact of the disorder on the individual's overall quality of life, so that more efficient methods to help the person regain normal swallowing skills may be employed. Advisors/Committee Members: Cox, Violet (Committee Chair).

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