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by Jennifer B Stoyell

Institution: Wright State University Professional Psychology Program
Year: 2016
Keywords: Psychology; Behavioral Sciences; Education; Tunnel of Oppression; Oppression Awareness; Discrimination; Diversity
Posted: 2/5/2017 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2092683
Full text PDF: http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=wsupsych1435754326


While diversity-training programs have gained popularity in the US, limitedresearch has been done to establish the effectiveness of these programs in increasingawareness of oppression. The present study explored the effectiveness of the Tunnel ofOppression in increasing awareness of oppression among freshman students at Wright State University. Participants (N= 1736) were given a survey before and afterparticipating in the Tunnel where they rated their awareness of levels of oppression fornine different oppressed groups. Data for this survey was analyzed employing descriptive and non-parametric statistics to determine significance in change of scores (Wilcoxon Signed-Rank and Wilcoxon Rank-Sum) and a correlation among variables (Spearman’s Rho). Results found that students who participated in the Tunnel of Oppression reported a significant difference in awareness after participating in the event. Oppressed groups (female and racial minorities) reported higher levels of awareness of oppression prior to participating in the Tunnel. In addition, a gender difference was found in the change in awareness scores where female participants reported a higher rate of change as compared to male participants. In contrast, racial identity did not show an impact in the change in awareness scores. Furthermore, a small correlation between change in awareness and willingness to speak about/take action against oppression was found. Beyond the scope of this dissertation, further research should focus on components of the Tunnel of Oppression that are effective at raising awareness of diversity-related issues. Also, it is recommended that a standardization of the event be developed for future implementation and measurements. Advisors/Committee Members: Williams, Julie (Committee Chair).

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