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Community preferences on substance abuse funding for a northern California tribe

by Shari Hostler

Institution: Humboldt State University
Year: 2016
Keywords: Native American; Hoopa; Substance abuse; Inpatient; K'ima:w Medical Center; Multi generational trauma; Detoxification; Outpatient treatment
Posted: 02/05/2017
Record ID: 2104242
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10211.3/176083


There is a vital need to have a substance abuse treatment facility in Northern California to better serve the Indigenous population of the area. The area is inundated with clients that are seeking support for substance abuse issues. A Northern California Tribe has received money to start providing additional services for treatment, such as detoxification, inpatient treatment and aftercare. The local Medical Center has been designated to recommend the best services to provide with these funds. The survey of this Northern California Native community provided results of what the community wants and needs. The survey participants included the tribal council leaders, services providers, medical board members and outpatient participants. Advisors/Committee Members: Doble, Yvonne.

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