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Influence of landscape- and stand-scale factors on avian communities in open pine ecosystems

by Taylor Idora Hannah

Institution: Mississippi State University
Year: 2015
Keywords: Bachman's Sparrow; priority species; Longleaf pine; Red-cockaded Woodpecker; restoration; occupancy
Posted: 02/05/2017
Record ID: 2110611
Full text PDF: http://sun.library.msstate.edu/ETD-db/theses/available/etd-06172015-150412/


Identifying species occurrence in ecosystems of high conservation concern is especially important in the context of modern landscapes. This study investigated how stand-scale and landscape-scale factors affect priority birds associated with longleaf pine (<I>Pinus palutris</I>) ecosystems. Herein, I compared priority bird occupancy among 12 stand types throughout the historic range of longleaf pine. I found open pine stands positively influenced red-cockaded woodpecker (<I>Picoides borealis</I>) and Bachmans sparrow <I>(Peucaea aestivalis</I>) occupancy, but were not significantly linked to northern bobwhite (<I>Colinus virginianus</I>) and brown-headed nuthatch (<I>Sitta pusilla</I>) occurrence. Landscape- and stand-scale factors affected red-cockaded woodpecker, Bachmans sparrow, and brown-headed nuthatch occupancy. Northern bobwhite occupancy was influenced solely by landscape-scale factors. Red-cockaded woodpecker and Bachmans sparrow were positively influenced by metrics associated with longleaf pine ecosystems suggesting they are effective indicator species. My analysis indicates that using this multi-scale approach is valuable to identifying areas on the landscape of conservation and restoration priority. Advisors/Committee Members: Scott A. Rush (chair), John M. Tirpak (committee member), David L. Evans (committee member).

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