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A feasible telemedicine monitoring solution


Institution: University of Helsinki
Year: 2016
Keywords: Networking and Service
Posted: 02/05/2017
Record ID: 2112605
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10138/165906


While health establishes the basis of our life, at times we need to visit doctors or hospitals. On that, patients may be faced with inequalities, for example, due to distances to the healthcare resources. With the development of telecommunications and the internet of things, telemedicine may assist in such cases, saving travel time and cost. This thesis suggests a telemedicine monitoring solution for both hospital based and personal users. The focus is on the architecture of the system, the role of wireless sensors in telemedicine and telemedicine key technologies (such as: Bluetooth and ZigBee). Further, the software structure for monitoring the patients’ physiological state remotely at hospital and at home is suggested. This involves also the choice of suitable hardware for data acquisition and wireless transmission. In the end, other related scientific researches are discussed. Comparisons are made between the proposed solution and other similar designs in different angles depending on the focuses of other research work, such as processing performance, connectivity, usability, unit price, data security and decision making. Vain tiivistelmä. Opinnäytteiden arkistokappaleet ovat luettavissa Helsingin yliopiston kirjastossa. Hae HELKA-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka/index.htm). Abstract only. The paper copy of the whole thesis is available for reading room use at the Helsinki University Library. Search HELKA online catalog (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka/index.htm). Endast avhandlingens sammandrag. Pappersexemplaret av hela avhandlingen finns för läsesalsbruk i Helsingfors universitets bibliotek. Sök i HELKA-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka/index.htm).

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