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Power demand curve management by resource allocation prediction modeling

by Anya Hannahlore Connelly

Institution: California State University – Sacramento
Year: 2016
Keywords: Digital; Composition; Writers' workshops
Posted: 02/05/2017
Record ID: 2120076
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10211.3/171304


In the spring of the 2016 academic year, I conducted a mixed-method study that examined the pedagogical advantages of using both print-based and Google Docs during Writers??? Workshops. The participants of the study were twenty-nine students enrolled in one section of English 20 College Composition at California State University, Sacramento. I examined students??? feedback and revisions throughout the writing process, and collected data by examining pre-workshop feedback, Writers??? Workshop scripts, and revised drafts. Overall, my study found that using Google Docs did have pedagogical advantages in various stages of the writing process as opposed to a print-based format, but using both methods simultaneously would yield positive results in the writing classroom. Advisors/Committee Members: Heckathorn, Amy.

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