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Catching evidence with frogs through focused ethnographic research with a Filipino rice farming community

by Brittni D Howard

Institution: Northern Arizona University
Year: 2016
Keywords: Ecology; Social research; Agriculture
Posted: 2/5/2017 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2120657
Full text PDF: http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=10009783


Rice farmers have a wealth of knowledge about local amphibians, impacts of chemical pesticides on amphibians and rice paddies, and changes in amphibian populations over time. I used my training in anthropology to highlight the relevance of examining the impacts of national and international policies and institutions on local rice farmers’ experiences, perceptions, and practices in regards to amphibians and rice pest management. Through a focused ethnographic approach with farmers in Banca-Banca Victoria, I found that policies and institutions have direct influences on farmers’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices including four themes among rice farmers: (1) articulated perceived consequences of non-native invasive anuran species, such as <i> Rhinella marina</i> and <i>Kaloula pulchra</i> (2) articulated perceived indicators of environmental health provided by native and non-native anuran species (3) perceptions that both native and non-native anurans can help in efforts to manage pest insects in rice paddies (4) local knowledge about impact of chemical pesticides on amphibian populations and observed temporal changes in amphibian populations. I contend that the Filipino rice farmers I worked with have insights into rice farming practices, amphibians, and the local environment that should be further explored in an effort to find alternative or modified pest management practices to positively affect farmer and environmental health, sovereignty, and dignity.

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