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Urban Oasis:

by Z Najem

Institution: Delft University of Technology
Year: 2016
Posted: 02/05/2017
Record ID: 2121531
Full text PDF: http://resolver.tudelft.nl/uuid:cbcd33b8-4b0b-4c75-870c-fd647ff545f7


Abstract The location at the head of the CzaarPeter-area. CzaarPeter-area makes part of the most north eastern part of the city center. There is a strict separation between private and public domain. In regard to the existing dwellings, they are small, shallow and unadaptable the public space.The buildings doesn’t provide the space where people can retreat from the very busy and noisy surrounding. There is a need for more green and an open space that compensate the high density. The building should contribute more vibrant to the area by focusing on small scale facilities, more green and avoidance of unused empty spaces. the main concept of creating an ‘urban oasis’ mainly for the residents where they can retreat from the busy surrounding. The result is an enclosed introverted building block with underground parking a plinth and four-layer houses. The different dwelling types are adaptable for future change and combining working with living Advisors/Committee Members: Willekens, L.A.M., Cuperus, Y.J..

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