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Noise characterization of oil and gas operations

by Cameron Radtke

Institution: Colorado State University
Year: 2016
Posted: 02/05/2017
Record ID: 2123297
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10217/173508


In cooperation with The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC), researchers at Colorado State University (CSU) conducted area noise monitoring at 23 oil and gas sites throughout Northern Colorado. The goals of this study were to: (1) measure and compare the sound levels for the different phases of oil and gas development sites; (2) evaluate the effectiveness of sound barriers; and (3) determine if sound levels exceeded the COGCC noise limits. The four phases of oil and gas development include drilling, hydraulic fracturing, completion and production. Sound measurements were collected using the A- and C-weighted scales. Octave band analysis was also performed to characterize the frequency spectra of the sound measurements. Noise measurements were collected using noise dosimeters and a hand-held sound-level meter at specified distances from the development sites in each cardinal direction. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and a t-test was used to determine significant differences in noise levels for drilling sites with and without sound barriers. In addition, noise maps were developed to illustrate the behavior of the noise propagation. At 117 yards, the sound-measurement distance specified by the COGCC noise rule, drilling, hydraulic fracturing, and completion sites without sound barriers exceeded the maximum permissible noise levels for residential and commercial zones (55 dBA and 60 dBA, respectively). In addition, drilling and hydraulic fracturing sites with sound barriers exceeded the maximum permissible noise level for residential zones. Production sites were within the COGCC permissible noise level criteria for all zones. At 117 yards from the noise source, all drilling, hydraulic fracturing and completion sites exceeded 65 dBC. Current sound wall mitigation strategies reduced sound levels in both the A- and C-weighted scales. However, this reduction in noise was not sufficient enough to categorize drilling and hydraulic fracturing sites as compliant with the current COGCC noise regulations. Advisors/Committee Members: Brazile, William (advisor), Autenrieth, Daniel (committee member), Lipsey, Tiffany (committee member).

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