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Growth of pure and rare earth nd3 and yb3 doped doubletungstates Kgd wo4 2 and ky wo4 2 and theirCharacterization;

by kumaran A Senthil

Institution: Anna University
Year: 2015
Keywords: Non linear optical; Potassium gadolinium tungstate
Posted: 2/5/2017 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2123407
Full text PDF: http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/43149


From the beginning the uses of solid state laser in the field of science newlineand technology had increased rapidly Present scenario needs laser host newlinematerials emitting wide spectral for variety of applications Therefore in newlinerecent years considerable interest was generated for the development of laser newlinehost materials with enhanced non linear optical NLO properties hence the newlinematerials with different orders of nonlinearities generate lasing with multiple newlinefrequencies newlineThe existence of high laser efficiency low laser induced damage newlinethreshold and high third order nonlinear effect has received a lot of attention newlineon the growth of alkali metal based double tungstate single crystals for novel newlinesolid state lasers In particular potassium gadolinium tungstate KGd WO4 2 newline here after KGW and potassium yttrium tungstate KY WO4 2 here after newlineKYW single crystals doped with rare earth ions are promising materials newlineThese tungstates are highly efficient Raman media due to the structure newlinesymmetry connected with the vibration symmetry of molecular WO4 newline2 group newlineKGW and KYW have a tetragonal structure when crystallized from the melt newlineThe monoclinic phase called low temperature phase appears below its newlinemelting point This monoclinic structure is very useful in variety of newlineapplications newline reference p87-96. Advisors/Committee Members: Moorthy babu S.

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