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The Lost Museum: Engaging with the past and reimagining the future of the Bode Museum 70 years after World War II

by Audrey Hogan

Institution: Leiden University
Year: 2016
Keywords: cultural memory; berlin; bode museum; donatello; replicas
Posted: 02/05/2017
Record ID: 2124216
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/1887/39588


This thesis aims to discover the extent to which the exhibition 'The Lost Museum: The Berlin Paintings and Sculpture Collection 70 years after WWII' at the Bode Museum can be described as an agent of political catharsis and historical abreaction both in Germany and in German-Russian relations. Berlin and Germany’s cultural memory is complex, with the preservation of this cultural memory being of importance to city planners, curators and the public by and large. This exhibition represents a way in which this difficult memory can be addressed and used as a means of looking forward. In a sense, the museum undertakes an “abreaction” of painful cultural memory. The use of replicas and the dedication to research in museums, in both Russia and Germany bring about solutions to painful loss and disputed property and “reactivates” the memory of artworks lost at the end of World War II through destruction and theft. Advisors/Committee Members: Leigh, Nana (advisor).

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