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Bullying prevention strategies for elementary school students| A grant proposal

by Martha Cecilia Paredes

Institution: California State University, Long Beach
Year: 2016
Keywords: Social work
Posted: 02/05/2017
Record ID: 2125243
Full text PDF: http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=10007401


The purpose of this project was to collaborate with the host agency to design a program and seek funding to add a violence prevention component that can be implemented in the public school setting. “Bullying behaviour no doubt is becoming a common feature, and a nightmare in schools all over the world. It is a worrisome practice in schools because it infringes on the child's right to human dignity, privacy, freedom and security” (Aluede, Adeleke, Omoike & Afen-Akpaida, 2008, p. 151). This makes the need to prevent victimization and empower those who are being bullied all the more urgent. A literature review was conducted to determine the risk factors and consequences involved in bullying and to identify conflict resolution programs. The idea that conflicts can be resolved constructively, without physical or verbal violence, provides the basis for an evidence-based program designed to reduce bullying behavior. The implementation of this project will bridge the gap between the services offered to the child, school and community. The actual submission and funding of this grant was not a requirement for the successful completion of this project.

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