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Some investigations on performance of DC motor driveswith intelligent controllers;

by M Muruganandam

Institution: Anna University
Year: 2015
Keywords: Artificial neural network; DC chopper; DC motor; Electrical engineering; Intelligent controllers; Pulse width modulated signal
Posted: 2/5/2017 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2132869
Full text PDF: http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/49441


newlineThe speed control of DC motors through DC DC converter DC chopper was analyzed with different controllers The different controllers are conventional PID intelligent control based Fuzzy Logic FL and Artificial Neural Network ANN controllers The drive system consists of two loops of inner ON OFF current control loop and an outer speed control loop The current controller blocks the Pulse Width Modulated PWM signal when the current increases beyond its set value The different controllers were utilized for the speed control loop to analyze the performance of the developed system The DC separately excited motor DC series motor with different ratings and PMDC motor were taken for analysis In the initial stage the closed loop speed controls of various DC motors were developed using conventional PID controller with DC chopper The PID controller was used to change the duty cycle of the DC chopper and newlinethereby the voltage fed to the DC motors regulates its speed The performance in respect of load variation and change in speed were analyzed and reported The rise time settling time maximum over shoot steady state error drops in speed and recovery time were considered for analysis newline Advisors/Committee Members: Madheswaran M.

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