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by britto A Prabhu
Institution: | Anna University |
Department: | |
Degree: | |
Year: | 2015 |
Keywords: | Active Contour seems; Gradient Vector Flow |
Posted: | 2/5/2017 12:00:00 AM |
Record ID: | 2133145 |
Full text PDF: | |
Chromosomes are responsible for the determination and newlinetransmission of hereditary characteristics Defects in chromosomes can lead newlineto abnormalities in the structure or function of that particular organism newlineCytogenetics is defined as the study of the structure and the function newlineof chromosomes in health and disease Chromosome studies are an important newlinelaboratory diagnostic procedure in prenatal diagnosis in certain patients with newlinemental retardation and birth defects in patients with abnormal sexual newlinedevelopment and in some cases of infertility or miscarriages This research newlinework concentrates on chromosome image analysis newlineDeformable models are of particular interest taking into account newlinetheir mathematical strengths inherent advantages in using deformable models newlineand the difficulties in automated processing of chromosome images Gradient newlineVector Flow GVF Active Contour seems to be a prospective candidate newlinetechnique for chromosome image segmentation Though GVF Active newlineContours could have been used for chromosome segmentation earlier still newlinethere is an absence of published literature This research work attempts to newlineinvestigate application of GVF Active Contours to chromosome newlinesegmentation The success of this attempt would yield a new technique tool newlinefor chromosome segmentation with capacity for extension to higher levels of newlinechromosome image analysis with possibility of taking suggesting diagnostic newlinedecisions Based on the success of the experimental results the research work newlinecan be extended as a further improvement Comparison of performances newlinewould yield a very efficient technique for chromosome image segmentation newline reference p222-236. Advisors/Committee Members: Ravindran G.
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