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The implementation of environmental education at Muslim schools in Gauteng : a case study

by Idrees Iqbal Mohammed

Institution: University of South Africa
Year: 2016
Keywords: Environment; Environmental education; Environmental ethics; Curriculum implementation; Environmental education implementation; Muslim schools; Qur’aan; Ahaadith; National Curriculum Statement; Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement
Posted: 02/05/2017
Record ID: 2134085
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10500/21144


In this qualitative case study, I investigated the experiences of teachers employed at Muslim schools in the Gauteng Province in South Africa regarding the enabling and constraining factors for the implementation of EE at their schools. The study was inspired by the observation of the ongoing environmental problems in South Africa such as water shortages and environmental degradation with the realisation of the possible contributions that the Muslim schools may make in addressing such problems if they were to implement EE. Although some research has been conducted to indicate the challenging and supporting factors related to the implementation of EE in South African schools, little has been done regarding such factors in Muslim schools in Gauteng Province. Due to my pre-existing knowledge of the principles of the Quraan and Ahaadith (Prophetic traditions) which bears the guidelines for the practices of Muslim communities (including schools) and values regarding the environment, I regarded the limited research on this topic as a serious gap in literature. To contribute knowledge to this gap, a case study of five Muslim schools located in the Gauteng Province was conducted to observe their EE-related practices. These schools were selected through a convenience sampling technique which was followed by the purposive selection of 15 information-rich teachers for semi-structured, face-to-face interviews. These research methods were preceded by the analysis of the Qur’aan and Ahaadith (Prophetic Traditions) as well as the National Curriculum Statement (NCS) as stated in the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) document. Findings indicated that EE implementation in the participating schools is enabled by factors such as inclusion of EE in the school’s extra-curricular activities and teamwork among teachers to implement EE. Conversely, there are factors such as the lack of time and physical space as well as the lack of teaching resources related to EE which constrain the implementation of EE in these schools. Among the recommendations made was that Muslim school teachers need to participate in in-depth training courses directly related to EE implementation. Advisors/Committee Members: Madiya, N (advisor).

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