Abstracts Mathematics

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Mathematics Test Anxiety and Its Effects on Student Performance

by Kristin 1985- Sharpe

Institution: Central Connecticut State University
Year: 2016
Keywords: Mathematics – Study and teaching – Testing.; Math anxiety.; Academic achievement.
Posted: 02/05/2017
Record ID: 2134200
Full text PDF: http://content.library.ccsu.edu/u?/ccsutheses,2286


Many studies have stated that mathematics test anxiety negatively affects student performance. However, there are limited resources that provide support for implementing strategies in the classroom that will help decrease mathematics test anxiety while increasing student performance. In an attempt to offer more research in this area, this study determined whether mathematics test anxiety coping strategies improved student performance on tests, increased confidence in math, and allowed students to become successful in mathematics. Data was used to determine whether the level of mathematics test anxiety decreased over the course of the study while student performance increased. Student survey questions were analyzed to gain a deeper understanding of the origin of mathematics test anxiety, what triggers mathematics test anxiety, how students felt during tests, and how students cope with their mathematics test anxiety. The Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale, Elementary Form (MARS-E) was used to obtain the mathematics test anxiety scores from each of the students. A linear regression test was used to determine that the higher the level of the students' mathematics test anxiety the lower their performance. T-Tests were used to determine that through the implementation of mathematics test anxiety coping strategies, mathematics test anxiety decreased. Although the T-Test provided strong evidence that mathematics test anxiety is decreased among students, it provided weak evidence that student performance will increase. The student surveys determined that students with low levels of mathematics test anxiety tend to remain very positive about their performance. Students with a moderate level of mathematics test anxiety remained mostly positive about their performance, and put the most pressure on themselves to do well. With the students who had high levels of mathematics test anxiety, their attitude and thoughts about their performance was much lower than that of their peers. When their anxiety flared up during tests, the students did not know of any strategies they could use to help calm them down. Because of this, their mathematics test anxiety greatly affected their performance in mathematics. Thesis advisor: Philip Halloran.; 'Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mathematics for Certified Secondary Teachers, Department of Mathematical Sciences.'; M.S.,Central Connecticut State University,,2016.; Advisors/Committee Members: Halloran, Philip P.

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