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Sustainable Software Engineering


Institution: KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Year: 2016
Keywords: Sustainable software engineering; technical sustainability; sustainability; software maintainability; software development process; software quality; software design; non-functional requirements; Social Sciences; Economics and Business; Samhällsvete
Posted: 02/05/2017
Record ID: 2135508
Full text PDF: http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-189568


is study has focused on the technical sustainability dimension of sustainable soŸware engineering. Sustainabilitywithin soŸware engineering is something that has recently started to gain traction, where most of theresearch has focused on the environmental dimension.e purpose of this study was to investigate the technicalsustainability dimension, and contribute by continuing to build upon previous research which has suggestedsustainability as a part of non-functional requirements and as a part of soŸware quality.is study was conducted with a qualitative approach. is approach used interviews with people withexperience of working in soŸware development to collect data. e interviews were used to gain in-depthinformation of the dišerent aspects in soŸware development, e.g. development processes.e results, based on the interviews, showed that from a technical sustainability perspective there are issueswith where the focus of the work is in soŸware development and also problems related to how timemanagementis used.e results also showed that there was some lacking in understanding the benets and tradeošs ofdecisions made in the project, for example regarding the soŸware design, which can result in unnecessarycomplexity is acquired.e study found that the culture within soŸware development projects and companies needs to be changedtowards a culture which promotes the development of high quality soŸware. Because non-functional requirementsand soŸware quality are components of technical sustainability, therefore is the technical sustainabilityhigher if the quality is high. It was further found that this culture would be possible if changes were made tothe way prioritisations are made, and the way testing is performed should be extended. Finally it was foundthat the understanding of the benets and tradeošs of decisions and ideas needs to be increased and extendedcollectively.e study concluded that the technical sustainability dimension can be achieved through these changes andthat the problem and solution therefore are not small and local but rather a big and complex issue where thesolution spans several solutions that encompasses dišerent aspects and perspectives.

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