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Human Trafficking in the Cross Border Area of Sunauli, Rupandehi

by Man Kumari Malla

Institution: Tribhuvan University, Rammani Multiple Campus Tilottama, Manigram, Rupandehi, Nepal
Department: Sociology and Anthrology
Degree: Master's Degree
Year: 2016
Keywords: Human trafficking, cross border area
Posted: 08/22/2017
Record ID: 2150675
Full text PDF: https://www.slideshare.net/manmalla/human-trafficking-in-the-cross-border-area-of-sunauli-rupandehi-79059672


Nepal is a source country for men, women, and children trafficked for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and involuntary servitude. In order to identify the status of human trafficking in the cross border area of Sunauli, Rupendehi this study entitled “HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN THE CROSS BORDER AREA OF SUNAULI, RUPANDEHI” was carried at Siddharthanagar of Rupandehi district in Nepal and Maharajgunj of India. For this study 50 households were selected on the basis of simple random sampling. Data were collected by interview questionnaires. The findings of this study showed that large number of female were illiterate. It was the main cause of human being trafficked in border area. The majority of people still didn’t know about knowledge of human trafficking. The causes of human trafficking in the study area were family disorder and violence, lack of education or illiteracy, poverty, lack of social awareness, lack of employment opportunities, attraction of the city life and physical facilities and difficult rural life. Trafficking took place after some interaction between the traffickers or middlemen and the victims, who were generally women, girls and children. The vulnerable group of human trafficking were poor girl and women of rural and urban areas, illiterate girls and women, semi-literate girls and women, disadvantaged women of the society and girls of the marriageable age but neglected by the society. Belhiya-Sunauli border at the Siddharthanagar municipality was found the third largest transit point for human trafficking to India. This study showed that the measures to minimize human trafficking were to create social awareness against trafficking, strict watch at the transit point, educational opportunities at the concerned areas, no discrimination between boys and girls, create employment opportunities at the local level. Human trafficking is an illegal act. Mass awareness, strict law, end of gender discrimination, providing education and employment opportunity and strict checking in India Nepal border are the solutions of this problem.

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