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The effect of unresolved interruptions on prospective memory

by Joseph T Slayton

Institution: University of Tennessee Chattanooga
Year: 2017
Keywords: Prospective memory; Short-term memory
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2151583
Full text PDF: https://scholar.utc.edu/theses/515


I investigated how memory for future intentions (termed prospective memory or PM) was impacted by interruptions, unresolved interruptions, and delays. The PM task was to shop for eight items within an environmental sustainability rating task. A comedy routine appeared after participants had rated several items for both interruption groups, while the delay group viewed the comedy routine before beginning the shopping task. In the unresolved interruption group the comedy routine never reached its conclusion. I predicted that 1) PM performance would be hindered by interruptions with the unresolved group performing worst, 2) that working memory capacity would moderate effects of interruptions on PM performance, and 3) that interruptions would influence gaze patterns such that less information was considered when making consumer decisions relative to delays. Interestingly, delays rather than interruptions negatively impacted PM performance. Working memory capacity predicted PM performance across conditions. No distinct gaze patterns were observed between conditions.Advisors/Committee Members: Shelton, Jill T., Warren, Amye, Foerder, Preston, College of Arts and Sciences.

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