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Second Step and Parental Involvement: Effects on Students' Belief-in-Self and Belief-in-Others

by Laura Moran Garcia

Institution: California State University Fresno
Year: 2017
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2151837
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10211.3/190343


The objective of the current study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a class-wide intervention, utilizing Second Step curriculum and parent involvement, on increasing students??? positive beliefs about themselves and others. Belief-in-self and belief-in-others are core mental health domains that have been indirectly associated with students??? overall well-being and metal health. Eighteen students participated in the study and received Second Step curriculum for 10 weeks. In addition, their parents were involved through the use of weekly take home handouts that provided them with information about the specific skills that were taught and ways in which they could reinforce these skills. Participating students completed pre- and posttest surveys on their belief-in-self and belief-in-others. Results indicated that students did not experience an increase in their belief-in-self or belief-in-others after completing the parent involved Second Step intervention. One limitation to the study was that the intervention was not implemented for as long as it was intended. Another limitation was the limited parental involvement in the study. Future research that addresses these limitations is suggested, given the critical importance of mental health on future outcomes for students.Advisors/Committee Members: Wilson, Marilyn (advisor), Calderon, Carlos (committeeMember).

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