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Understanding nutrition policymaking dynamics in theUnited States: The case of product reformulation

by C Scott

Institution: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Year: 2017
Posted: 02/01/2018
Record ID: 2152036
Full text PDF: http://researchonline.lshtm.ac.uk/3894606/


Background: Voluntary food and beverage product reformulation is a prominent exampleof how self-regulation and public-private partnerships have become part of the publichealth nutrition policy landscape. This thesis aims to understand the emergence ofreformulation in the nutrition policy system in order to provide insights into nutritionpolicymaking dynamics in the US.Methods: The methods of this study were based in applied policy research. It focuses onhow stakeholders influence the nutrition policy process, including by shaping the framingof reformulation and nutrition policy. The methods consisted of a literature review andqualitative analysis of documents, including submissions to a government-led consultationon reformulation, in-depth stakeholder interviews, and the media.Results: Reformulations rise to prominence as a public health approach was the result of aconfluence of factors, three of which were particularly important: (1) the consultationanalysis revealed that it is a component of the food and beverage industrys corporatepolitical strategy to avoid and pre-empt public health regulations, (2) the interviewsidentified that reformulation has the support of a cross-sector coalition, and (3) the mediaanalysis found that reformulation is a chameleonic idea with multiple frames andmeanings. Specifically, the framing of reformulation shifted from 1980-2015 to encompassbusiness, health and political frames, and to embody a range of underlying values andbeliefs. Synthesising the media analysis with the consultation analysis and interviewsshowed that the political emphasis of reformulation became common in the early 2000s,when the food and beverage industry was responding to increasing pressure fromgovernments and public health advocates as part of their political strategy. The interviewsalso found that non-industry stakeholders were fractured in their support for reformulationbecause they questioned the belief of working with industry and whether nutritionpolicies should be formulated based on nutrients or foods. These fractions, and the lack ofa unified counter policy agenda, also contributed to the industrys ability to promote avoluntary reformulation approach.Conclusion: Voluntary reformulation initiatives form part of the food and beverageindustrys political strategy by building collaborative relationships and establishing aparticipative role in policymaking. This research therefore points to the need to study thedynamic interactions of stakeholders within the nutrition policy system, rather thanconceptualizing industry involvement as an external influence.

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